Vision And Views

An Overview of Current Life Events

By Dr. Purushothaman Kollam

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Major World Events [35]


The Iraq President Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging by US on 30th December 2006
When the Ethiopian troops invaded Somalia a fighting started (15-12-2006)
Pierre Gemayel, the Lebanese Minister was assasinated on 21st Novemeber 2006

After the resignation of US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Gates took charge (08-11-2006)
The US passed the Legislation of building border fence along the Mexican Border (26-10-2006)

In the Coup occured on 20th September 2006, the Thailand Prime Minster Shinawatra was ousted
The deadline passed by the UN security council about enriching Uranium was ignored by Iran (31-08-2006)
Pluto was finally identified as a Dwarf Planet by scientists on 24th August 2006
Millions of computer batteries were withdrawn from Market by Dell due to technical failure (14-08-2006)

A new Front of alliance was started by Hezbollah in the Middle East (26-07-2006)

In the Mumbai train bombing occured on 11th July 2006, hundreds were killed
Iran was offered many incentives by the UN to giveup nuclear activities (06-06-2006)   

The control of Mogadishu was takenup by the Somalian Islamists group (05-06-2006)   

In the earthquake occured on 27th May 2006 in Indonesia, thousands of people were killed   

The independence of Montenegro was on 21st May 2006

US renewed its ties with Libya on 15th May 2006   

The fire missile was tested by North Korea on 7th May 2006   

The Natural Gas Industry (NGI) was nationalized by the Bolivian Government on 2nd May 2006   

More than one lakh citizens protested against the Nepal King Gyanendra (06-04-2006)

The Yogoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic died while in prison (11-03-2006)
The Philippine mudslide occured on 17th February 2006, thousands were killed in Guinsaugon

There was a general protest against using cartoons among the Muslim Countries (05-02-2006)

In a ferry accident occured in the Egyptian Coast, hundreds of people were killed (03-02-2006)   
Hamas political movement gained majority in the election conducted in Palastein (26-01-2006)   

The first spacecraft to Pluto was sent on 19th January 2006   

The Dow Jones industrial average exceeded 11,000 (09-01-2006)

In the sectarian violence, the Iraq group launched massive attacks (04-01-2006)

The Israeli leader Ariel Sharon had a severe stroke attack on 4th January 2006

Keywords: major world events, world events, countries, dollar, great events, events, world,historical events, dow, pluto


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